Applications for our 6-month Agribusiness Accelerator Close in 5 Days

Our ScaleUp Lab Agribusiness Accelerator programme is focused on entrepreneurs leading growth-stage businesses across the agribusiness value chain.

Since 2017, this highly selective programme has enrolled 10 entrepreneurs per year to participate in a 6-month scale focused Accelerator which is Free for the entrepreneurs through the partnership and support  of the African Capital Alliance (ACA) Foundation.

Given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the essential role agribusinesses have and should play in job creation, food security, nutrition and value chain, this year’s Accelerator will be run virtually and will be focused on the following interventions:

  • Strategic Repositioning
  • Value Chain Optimisation
  • Cashflow Management
  • Process Improvement
  • Product Readiness
  • Investment Readiness
  • Digital Enablement & Transformation

With the support of the ACA Foundation, we will be expanding the programme to 20 outstanding and high potential Nigerian agribusiness Founders, CEOs and Owner Managers from across the country who will participate in our virtual one-week accelerator Bootcamp, interactive workshops, consulting sessions, business support services, one-on-one and group mentoring sessions with a team of seasoned sector faculty members and advisors.

Are you one of the 20 entrepreneurs we are looking for? If yes, click here apply now or share this post with anyone you know is suitably qualified.

Application Link to the 2020 Agribusiness Accelerator.

Applications close on the 30th of May, 2020. For any questions and enquiries, do email us at

Akinwande Akinsulire
Lead, ScaleUp Lab
FATE Foundation

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