ScaleUp Lab by FATE Foundation is a unique Accelerator Programme aimed at providing targeted support to growth stage high-potential ventures within the targeted growth sectors of the Nigerian economy namely: Agribusiness, Health, Creatives & Education sectors.
The Agribusiness Accelerator Programme targets outstanding Nigerian agribusiness entrepreneurs whose businesses are currently at growth stage (2-4 years) and who are looking to scale their business expand their market reach and attract potential investors and strategic partners. The programme is implemented by FATE Foundation and supported by Africa Capital Alliance (ACA) Foundation.
Applications are now open for the Agribusiness Track.
Expected outcomes are:
Increased capacity to revision, reposition and scale sustainable Agribusinesses
Increased Team & Operational Efficiency
Increased capabilities to access Markets and Institutional Linkages
Financial Management & Investor Readiness Preparation and Access to Funding & Investor Linkages
Mentoring and advisory support provided by accomplished entrepreneurs and Agribusiness experts
For more information on how to apply, visit:
Application Deadline is 12 midnight (WAT) on Sunday, March 17th, 2019.