Our Founder, Fola Adeola has always been a man who believed deeply in the art of giving. Unfortunately, we live in a world where everything is extremely unequal. Where human beings both young and old don’t have access to the minimum necessities to live an average life. Fola Adeola’s philanthropic nature started at a very young age. His childhood wasn’t that of privilege, regardless, he made use of every opportunity he had to share and give. Fola Adeola deeply believes in giving privately. This has been his mantra since he was little. Though, after the consistent aid and counsel by the board members of FATE Foundation, he realised to create more national impact, his philanthropy had to be more structured under an institution that can provide more support to his philanthropic activities.
This is how The FATE Philanthropy was born, with a focus on social areas Fola Adeola cares deeply about. Such as Socio-Cultural (Yoruba), Health, Education, Governance. Our recent success story is the establishment of The FATE Philanthropy Coalition for COVID-19 (FPCC) Support Fund where a total of $1,000,000 was raised and distributed to support ongoing national and local efforts to strengthen public health infrastructure in anticipation of further strains and pressures from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Socio-Cultural (Yoruba)
The YORUBA culture is the area of focus by FATE Philanthropy. This was inspired by the Founder’s heritage. Nigeria is blessed with different cultures, languages and history. But, as we evolve into the modern technological age, a lot of our heritage is lost and not deeply or completely understood. One fact remains, the way we interact as human beings is immensely affected by language. Unfortunately, we don’t study our culture, language and history enough to understand the depth of who we are as well as the genesis of our respective behaviours. We do not understand the sociocultural impact this has on how we lead and how our economy has grown as a result of culture. Additionally, the sociology and evolution around our culture is so rich and vast yet extremely undervalued.
Our social-cultural focus of The FATE Philanthropy aims to provide research and insights into the Yoruba social-cultural sphere to educate people into knowing themselves more, as we believe there will be a better appreciation of strengths, weaknesses and value propositions as further discoveries are made.
Health is a very critical social segment that affects every part of an economy. In Nigeria, the health system still has a long way to go. There is a lot of work to be done in terms of Research, Innovation, Technical and Infrastructure provision. More so, the Covid Pandemic has shown us the importance of health and how it can cripple major aspects of a nation’s economy and overall day-to-day living.
Our core aim in the Health segment of FATE Philanthropy is about investing in research and areas that are important around public health and supporting research that can enable indigenous insights into issues that are affecting public health, where support can be scaled for.
Education is the bedrock of every society and helps shape a better Nation. At FATE Philanthropy we have initiated The FATE Scholars program, where we invest in high potential students and support them all through school. This will enable education pathways that improve access, retention and learning outcomes of exceptional students.
At FATE Philanthropy, we believe the creation of programs that foster the development of a good society through good governance, civic engagement and active citizenry can make a difference in Nigeria. In governance, every action or inaction has a ripple effect even at the smallest unit of society (family). Engaging individuals through programs relating to governance is another step into shaping the future Nigeria we all desire.
TAGLINE: Investing. Impacting. Transforming